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Film Access Northumberland (FAN) is a charitable organization that seeks to promote community, tolerance and understanding through the art of film. Through a variety of film-based events like our flagship Eye2Eye International Film Festival, we connect our community to world-class talent, films, and present our local and diverse talent to Canada’s wider film community.

Connect, Include, Expand


We promote the appreciation of film, video, animation and digital arts by producing public exhibitions, presentations, and other events, and by providing a forum for film-makers and students to exhibit and present their artistic works through participation in such events.


We present seminars and workshops about film, video, animation and digital production with industry professionals. We also provide opportunities for students to exhibit, present, or perform their artistic works in a public setting to develop their skills in conjunction with these learning activities.


We provide awards (financial or in-kind assistance) to enable students to pursue film, video, animation or digital arts at post-secondary educational institutions in Canada.


We seek to promote the development of, and excellence in, the film, video, animation and digital industry in Canada by providing training and mentor opportunities with established professionals working within the film, video, animation and digital industry, and by providing access to facilities to enable artists to produce their artistic works.

Charitable Registration No. 792839540RR0001

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